Trimbak Mukut

Panditji in Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple

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trimbak Mukut
Pandit ji Profile
Id Code : NYM
Name: Sachin Dherage
Age: 43 Years
Experience: 30 Years
  1. Narayan Nagbali
  2. Tripindi Shradh
  3. Kaal Sarp Yog
  4. Kumbh Vivah
  5. Mahamritunjay Jaap
  6. Rudra Abhisheka
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I am tamrapatradhari panditji. I am the holder of tamparpatra. Tamprapatra is ancient scripture which provides panditji purohit official right to perfome pujas in Trimbakehswar. I am official member of purohit sangh and have birth right as I belong from precious legacy of purohits from ages. Surely, I am authentic source where you can perform your poojas authentically and by proper spiritual tradition. Tamrpatra holds the special position as it provides authencation and certification to purohits of trimbakehswar temple. May lord shiva bless you!

मै पंडीत सचिन सुरेश ढेरगे  ञ्यंबकेश्वर के मुल पुरोहित  ब्रम्हगिरी पर्वत ब्रम्हाजीके तपस्थल है और शिवजी का शरीर माना गया हे गंगा जी का उगम स्थान प्रभु ञ्यंबकराज का स्वयंभु स्थान विश्वमे सिर्फ तीन महाशमशान है उसमेसे एक महा शमशान ञ्यंबकश्वर है। ऐसे पावन भुमी मे हमारे पूर्वजो का आगमन हुआ हमारे यहा के दस्तावेज के आधार पर  और इतिहास संशोधन के हिसाब से  कुछ पंडितोंके मकान ञ्यंबकेश्वर मे  थे।  उसमेसे हमारे पूर्वज ञ्यंबकेश्वर मै आये।  हमारी परंपरा ८०० साल की पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी हम यही कर्मकांड और प्रभु ञ्यंबकराजकी सेवा करते आये  है  | हम यर्जुवेदिय पंडीत है हमारा गौञ गौतम जो ञ्यंबकेश्वर भुमीके पिता है पुरी भुमी उनकी है । जो गौतम रुषी उनके हम संतान  है । येसे गौरव शाली कुल मै हमारा जन्म हुवा ईससे बडा सौभाग्य क्या है  हम सिसोदिया वंश के कुलउपाध्याय याने राज श्री महाराना  प्रताप  के कुलके ञ्यंबकेश्वर के उपाध्याय हे  और राज श्री श्रीमंत छत्रपती शिवाजी महारज के  तीर्थउपाध्याय है।  यह  हमारा सौभाग्य है ये हमारे यहा मौजूद दस्तावेजों से  सिध्द होता है। उसके अलावा गुजरात प्रांतके पटेल अग्रवाल  शहा  उनके उपाध्यय (गुरुजी) हम है।  राजस्थान प्रांतके बिकानेर से जयपुर तक रघुवंशी के कुल उपाध्याय हम है। वहा के पुरोहित ब्राम्हण समाजने हम को संमानित करके हम को अधीकृत ञ्यंबकेश्वर के उपाध्याय नियुक्त कीया है। मराठवाडा प्रांत के उपाध्याय भी हम है  ।  ऐसे गौरव शाली घरानोके कुल उपाध्याय होने का हमे गर्व है ।  हम ञ्यंबकेश्वर मे जो पुजा करवाते है। वो पितृ दोष नारायण नागबली जो तीन दिन की होती है एक दिन का पितृदोष ञिपिंडी श्राध्द   एकदिन का कालसर्प शांती पुजा ,गंड शांती, अतिगंड शांती, ग्रहण दोष, अंगारक योग ,चांडाळ योग ,अर्क विवाह ,कुंभ विवाह  ,विष्टी शांतीक,  महारुद्र, अतिरुद्र, अभिषेक ,रुद्र पाठ महामृत्युंजय जप अनुष्ठान ज्योतिर्लिंग ञ्यंबकेश्वर के कृपा आशीर्वाद से संपन्न करवाते है। आप हमसे संपर्क करके यह पुजा करवा सकते है। इसके अलावा आपके घर आके भी हम पुजा करवाते हे। जो वास्तु शांती, नवचंडी याग, विष्णु याग, दत्तयाग,  गणेश याग, रुद्रयाग ,अन्यपुजा , उदकशांती,  हम करवाते है।   आप दुसरे देश मै है  तो हम online पुजा भी करवाते है ऐसे अनेको भक्तकी हमने पुजा करवाई है जेसे हर साल श्रावणमास में नवराञ में  भाद्रपद मास में  पितृ पक्ष में  दिवाली ( लक्ष्मी पुजन पर ) पंडीत ना मिलनेसे या शास्त्रोक्त पुजा ना होनेसे हम खुद अमेरिका ,थायलंड ,सिंगापुर ,जर्मनी, ईंग्लंड और भारत  में पुजा करवाते है ईससे भक्त को संतुष्टि मिलती है  । हमारे यहा आपकी रहनेकी भोजन की सब व्यवस्था होती है ।  हम आपको ज्योतिष का मार्गदर्शन भी करते है।  आपकी कुंडली या जन्म तारीख हम को भेजना हम आपकी कुंडली देखके उचित मार्गदर्शन  करेंगे।  तो हम पंडीत सचिन सुरेश ढेरगे और मेरे छोटे भाई पं चेतन सुरेश ढेरगे आपसे आग्रह करेंगे आप हमारे यहा एक बार पुजा करके देखिए ,आपको 100% संतुष्टी मिलेगी । ञ्यंबकेश्वर में कुछ मकान ही स्थानिक पुरोहित के है। ईस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से आपको स्थानिक पुरोहित के फोन नंबर मिल जायेंगे । स्थानिक  पुरोहित के पास हि आप निश्चिंत होकर पुजा कर सकते है। धन्यवाद ।

Write a Review

Date : 16 Oct 2021
बोहत अच्छि पुजा करते है

नारायण नागबली ञिपिंडी कालसपँ

Date : 01 Feb 2022
कालसपॅ पुजा

आप ईनके पास जरुर पुजा करे मुझे बोहत फायदा हुवा सात्विक पंडीजी है पं सचिन ढेरगे

Priti Atre
Date : 20 Apr 2022
Pandit Sachin

Feeling peaceful after kalsarp puja, Kalsarp puja did wery well...feeling blessed

अनुश शमाॅ
Date : 20 Apr 2022
नारायण नागबली

काल सपॅ पुजा नारायण नागबली पुजा ञिपिंडी श्राध्द ये पुजा मैने पं सचिन सुरेश ढेरगे ईनके द्वारा संपन्न कीयी मुझे बोहत फायदा हुवा मैरे सब काम बन्ने लगे मै अब खुशाल जिंदगी जी रहा हु लाँकडाउन केबाद मैरी नौकरी छुट गई मैरे परीवार की हालत बोहत नाजुक हो गई खाने कै वांदे हो गये तो कीसीने मुझे ये पुजा की सला दी मै वेप पोटाँल के द्वारा सचिनपंडीत से सपॅक हुवा उन्होने मेरी जन्म पञिका मंगवाई और मोफत मागॅदशॅन करके मुझे कुच उपाय और ये पुजेका सजेशन दिया और पुजा के एक महिने बाद मुझे नौकरी लग गयी और और मैरी शादी भी तय होगई आज मेरा सब अच्छा होगया ये पंडीत जी ईनका मागँदशॅन और उपाय आप जरुर सब लोग लाभ उठाई ईनके पास ही पुजा करवाये

Date : 28 May 2022
Had a good puja

All the pujas were done perfectly

sachin shukl
Date : 13 Jul 2022
Kaalsarp dosh puja

I worshipped Kaal Sarp Dosh from Sachin Dherge Guruji at Trimbakeshwar. I found a defect in my horoscope. Sachin Guruji gave me complete information about Pooja. How important is worship? The pooja was completed perfectly. Thank you Sachin Dherge guruji.

Amar Chavan
Date : 20 Jul 2022
Kalp Sarp Pooja

This is a very geniune review.Sachin Dada conducted my Kal Sarp Pooja , he gave me complete understanding of Pooja vedhi and why its done. After the pooja I am seeing lots of positive changes in my Life. Thanks Sachin Guruji from bottam of my Heart.

Sanjeev Newar
Date : 30 Jul 2022
Kaal sarpa Puja

Pooja was done in very nice way. Thank you Sachin pandit ji.

Gajendra Ahire, Mumbai,maharashtra.
Date : 05 Aug 2022
Kaal sarp dosh Nivaran Shanti puja.

We had come from Mumbai to perform Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja at Trimbakeshwar. We were informed about the puja by Panditji Shri Sachin Dherge Guruji at Trimbakeshwar. There was an Anant Kaal Sarp Yog in my horoscope. It was very important for me to perform this puja. Guruji informed about the Kalsarpa Dosh Puja in full detail. What is Kalasarpa Dosh Puja? How many types of Kaal Sarp dosh are there? What are the consequences of kalsarpa dosha? Many of these things were well told by Guruji. There are a total of 12 types of kalsarp doshas. This puja is performed according to what is the fault in your horoscope in it. Guruji had also made excellent accommodation at Trimbakeshwar. Guruji has a very good experience of worship. Guruji performed the puja well. Shri Sachin Dherge Guruji is the best Panditji from Trimbakeshwar. You should also worship them. Thank you.

Dr Virendra Patil
Date : 23 Sep 2022
Narayan nag bali

Narayan nag bali Pooja we did it second time with Sachin Dherge Guruji..Pooja done with very informative and detail manner. Arrangment done by Guruji was exllent and proper way vidhi was carried out.Sachin Dherge Guruji is experienced, explained the Pooja in detail.this puja which I have done it in year 2013helps me to achieve wealth and stability in my life.i got exllent results.

Date : 28 Nov 2022
Kal Sarp Puja

I am very satisfied with the puja. Sachin ji explained the significance of different rituals during puja .

Geetavani devara
Date : 30 Jan 2023
Kal sarph nagbali

I got sachin pandit ji number from trayambakeshwar website and i am very satisfied with the way they conducted the ritual and pooja. . I did narayan nagbali and kalasarph pooja . despite we being south indians he explained the pooja in with lot of patience. . the entire process gave us a divinly feeling. His greatness is that he explains the meaning and significance of each and every pooja ritual. . i loved the experience

Date : 30 Jan 2023
No words for him Bcoz he never give chances for any complend

It's to good fully satisfied

Gorla Naveen
Date : 30 Mar 2023
Narayan Nag Bali Pooja

I got sachin pandit ji number from trayambakeshwar website and i am very satisfied with the way they conducted the ritual and pooja. . I did narayan nagbali and Tripindi pooja . despite we being south indians he explained the pooja in with lot of patience. . the entire process gave us a divinly feeling. His greatness is that he explains the meaning and significance of each and every pooja ritual. . i loved the experience. Thank you so much Sir

Surya Prakash
Date : 30 Mar 2023
Kal Sarph dosham and Nagbali

Chala manchiga pooja cheypincharu panthulu garu. Stay n food anni manchi ga arrange chesaru. Manaki ardham ayela, patience tho explain chesthu nemadhiga pooja motham cheyincharu. Chala satisfied ga anipinchindhi.

Muda Mallikarjun
Date : 30 Mar 2023


Bhawna Gupta
Date : 24 May 2023
Narayan nagbali kalsarp

I am very satisfied with the way of pooja conducted by pandit ji. He explained all the pooja rituals very well in hindi as well. Great experience with pandit ji. He is very polite. Thank u so much.

Date : 25 Jun 2023
Narayan Nagbali Puja (Pitra dosh)

I am satisfied with the pooja, Pandit ji has arranged good Accommodation and Food. Thank You Sachin ji.

ఎస్.రమేష్ చక్రవర్తి
Date : 27 Jun 2023
నారాయణ, నాగబలి (పితృదోష నివారణ ) పూజ

3 రోజులు జరిగిన నారాయణ, నాగబలి (పితృదోష నివారణ ) పూజ చాలా సంతృప్తికరంగా జరిగింది. వసతి మరియు బోజన ఏర్పాట్లు చాలా బాగున్నవి. సచిన్ పండిట్ గారికి ధన్యవాదాలు.

samir varma
Date : 05 Jan 2024
narayan nagbali puja

I cannot express in words how good my experience of this puja was, Guruji explained all the rituals to us very well, I felt very happy that I got my ancestors worshiped so well. Thank you very much Pandit. And I will tell all my relatives and friends that you should also get this puja done from Pandit ji because Pandit ji's nature is very good

Date : 12 Jan 2024
Narayan Bali Naga Bali, Tripindi Shradh

We went to Triambak on Dec 3rd 2023 for a 3 day pooja for pitrudosha. Pandit Sachin Dherge ji performed the ritual for 3 days meticulously. We are greatly satisfied that we could finally perform this for our pitrudevathas Panditji walked us through the ritual while explaining the purpose of doing such pooja. Accommodations provided and food were also good. I would highly recommend the priest for any rituals to be performed at Triambak

Chanchal Jalan
Date : 23 Feb 2024
Kal Sarp Pooja

I contacted Gautami Dherge mam through Google and went to Nashik trusting her. I reached late and the combined Pooja for all was over but Guruji and Gautami mam are so honest and genuine that they did the Pooja separately for me even after the common Pooja was over and didn't charge me any extra money. Entire Pooja was done very sincerely following all rituals, and havan and no extra money/donation charged for anything. The whole family is very decent, genuine, trust worthy and cared for me like a family. I am still in touch with Gautami mam who helped me with horoscope reading and other poojas as well! God bless you Gautami mam, Sachin guruji and their younger brother who did the Pooja sincerely. Pooja fee is nominal and is worth it totally! It's very nice to meet e such honest people! Thanku and God bless you!

Date : 06 Mar 2024
Narayan Nagbali puja

We got the contact from Google and had prebooked pooja dates. Upon arrival we were received warmly by Guruji and his family and were provided with excellent accomodation and food all inclusive. Puja was done wonderfully by Guruji and he explained the pooja to us every step of the way. He is very kind and gentle. His family is very caring and kind also. I would highly recommend everyone visiting Trimakeshwar to definitely get puja done by Guruji.

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