I am tamrapatradhari panditji. I am the holder of tamparpatra. Tamprapatra is ancient scripture which provides panditji purohit official right to perfome pujas in Trimbakehswar. I am official member of purohit sangh and have birth right as I belong from precious legacy of purohits from ages. Surely, I am authentic source where you can perform your poojas authentically and by proper spiritual tradition. Tamrpatra holds the special position as it provides authencation and certification to purohits of trimbakehswar temple. May lord shiva bless you!
नमस्ते जय त्र्यंबकराज
हम त्र्यंबकेश्वर क्षेत्र के वेद उपासना वेद अध्ययन वेद के रखवाले दीक्षित है. हमारे पूर्वजोसे वेद अध्ययन की परंपरा रही है. आज तक यह परंपरा हम ने खंडित नहीं की. हमारे यहा उपलब्धी के अनुसार 200 से 250 साल का दीक्षित पंडीतो की जाणकारी आज भी उपलब्ध है.
हमारे यहा पूर्वजो की विद्वत्ता की जानकारी देने वाले सबुत 2000 से 2500 पोथी के माध्यम से दिखाई देती हैं. उसी को देखने के लिए कई मान्यवरोने भेट दी है. हमारे यहा नारायण नागबली, त्रिपिंडी श्राध्द, कालसर्प शांती जैसे धार्मिक कार्य कई सालों से करते आ रहे हैं|
Worshipping at this holy pilgrimage was really excellent experience with saurabh guruji. He is having good knowledge and deep study of the the pooja. He explained very well of every ritual we performed there. He is having clear and understandable prononunciation of each mantra. The stay was good, place was neat n clean . Food was really satvik. Overall experience was good .
आम्ही दि 11/04/2024 ते 14/04/2024 पर्यंत नारायण नागबली ह्या विधीसाठी आपल्या निवासस्थानी राहिलो व या विधी निट व पूर्ण शास्त्रयुक्त पध्दतीने पार झाल्या, व गुरुजीनी निट व्यवस्थीत कोणत्या पुजा का करतात ते व त्याचे नियम व अटी पूर्ण स्पषट करून सांगीतल्या व त्यांच्या तर्फ भोजन व्यवस्था दिली त्याबद्दल मी व माझे कुटुंब या पुजेने आम्ही समाधनी व आम्हाला चांगल्या वाटल्या त्या बद्दल धन्यवाद
संपूर्ण पूजा मनाप्रमाने झाली, पूजेने समाधान वाटले.
Very good, satisfactory and good done by pandit saurabh Dixit ji
Very good and satisfied with the puja and hospitality.
पूजा को समझाने का तरिका बहुत अच्छा था, किस कार्य के लिये पूजा की जा रही है, वह भी बताया गया, रुकने की व्यवस्था अच्छा है, पूजा करके समाधानी
Very positive atmosphere, explanation of every steps helped in understanding the motive. Good hospitality, thank you
Pooja was done in a very good manner and the priest saurabh Dixit ji was very calm and patient, cool and helped in puja in a decent manner. Nice experience in "marathi and Hindi" priest.
Entire flow of the pooja was smooth enough, no issues were faced, hopefully visiting in upcoming years, thank you for this wonderful treatment
I and my wife stay in guruji's house for 3 days. pooja was excellent and we both were fully satisfied by pooja. This pooja bring harmony, calmness, happiness, prosperity to our lives. We are thankful for nice arrangements of stay, pooja and food.
I visited pandit saurabh Dixit ji for Kumbh vivah, the puja was done successfully completed by pandit ji the whole puja was extremely helpful and he made us understand each and every step of puja. My parents and I were happy and satisfied by the puja. Thanku
मैं पंडित जी से मिला कालसर्प दोष के पूजा के लिये, पंडित जी ने बहुत अच्छे तरीके से पूजा कराया ऑर मैं ऑर मेरा परिवार पूजा से संतुष्ट हुआ.
गुरुजी नी केलेली पूजा आम्हला आवडली. अत्यंत स्पष्ट मंत्रोच्चारात पूजा पुर्ण केल्या. आम्ही विचारलेल्या प्रश्नांची योग्य उत्तरे दिली. राहण्याची तसेच जेवणाची उत्तम सोय त्यांनी केली. केलेल्या पुजेबद्दल आम्ही पूर्ण समाधानी आहोत.
It's a pleasant experience to meet pandit saurabh Dixit ji and his family. First of all I felt very safe at his home. Pandit ji helped me in every aspects. The puja which was performed by Pandit ji was also very good experience for me. He made me understood the need of the puja and its importance. He guided me to darshan at Triambakeshwar temple. Overall It was a very nice experience for me. I found a family far away from my home. I recommend everybody should came to him for performing any kind of Puja here. Regards
श्री. विनय भाऊसाहेब खरात रा. भोसरी पुणे आम्ही 30/3/24 ते 01-04-2024 पर्यंत नारायण नागबली विधीसाठी आपल्या निवास स्थानात राहिलो खुप छान व्यवस्था ठेवली. तसेच आपण आमची पुजा खुप छान पद्धतीने पुर्ण केली व आम्हाला या मध्ये खूप समाधान वाटले. तसेच आपण आम्हाला भोजन व्यवस्था सुद्धा चांगली दिली मी व माझे कुटुंब खुप समाधानी आहे.धन्यवाद च
श्री विश्वभर विठ्ठलराव सगर - मो. 982246059 आम्ही दिनांक 30/3/2024 से 01-04-2024 पर्यंत नारायण बली व नागबली पुजा श्री सौरभ गुरुजीकडे केली. पूर्ण तीन दिवसाची पुजा विधी पूर्वक, खुप छान झाली मनाला समाधान शांती वाटली. सर्व विधी व्यवस्थित पूर्ण केले. सर्व पुजा विधी खुप छान केली. तसेच राहाण्याचे व जेवणाची उत्तम व्यवस्था आहे. विधी पुजा व राहाण्याची व जेवणाची व्यवस्था याबद्दल खुप समाधानी व आभारी आहोत. धन्यवाद
Name - PRADEED KUMAR DOGRA date : 28/3/2024 to 1/4/2024 It was wonderful experience. The whole process was explained in detail, our doubts were cleared with patience. The Whole pooja was organized very well and also taken care of comfort, Thankful to pandit saurabh ji for such a wonderful and blissful experience. Thank you Har Har Mahadev !
आनंदराव यादव ता. कराड जि.सातारा मो.नं. ९५५२८८०४९० आम्ही दि २६/०३/२४ ले २८/०३/२४ था वेळेल सप्त्निक नारायण बली व नागबली पुजा तसेच सौरभ गुरुजीनी अत्यंत वैदिक पद्धतीने पूर्ण केली आहे. तसेच माझी नात चि. शिवण्या धनंजय यादव या बाळाची कालसर्प योग गुरुवार दिनांक २८/३/२०२४ रोजी पूर्ण केली. आम्ही कराड हून त्र्यंबकेश्वर मध्ये आल्यानंतर सौरभजीनी अत्यंत नम्रपणे आमचे सर्व म्हणणे ऐकून घेतल्यानंतर आमचे वरील सर्व विधी पूर्ण केले आहे. आमची राहण्याची तसेच जेवणाची व्यवस्था अगदी उत्तम प्रकारची होती. सर्व व्यवस्था व विधी बाबत आम्ही समाधानी आहोत व गुरुजिंचे आभारी आहोत. धन्यवाद
दि 28/03/2024 आम्ही गुरुजी कडे नारायण नागबळी पुजे करीता आलो तिन दिवसाची पुजा गुरुजींनी विधीपुर्वक चांगल्या प्रकारे पार पाडल्या विधीवत पुजा आमच्या कडुन करवून घेतली पुजेबद्दल मी समाधानी आहे तसेच राहाण्याची व जेवनाची व्यवस्था चांगली होती. मी गुरुजी चा आभारी आहे. धन्यवाद
नारायण नागबली व त्रिपिंडी विधी पूर्ण चांगल्या प्रकारे गुरुजींच्या हस्ते करण्यात आला. विधीची चांगल्या प्रकारे माहिती देण्यात आलेली. तीन दिवसांचा विधी चांगल्या प्रकारे विधीवत शांततेत गुरुजींनी आमच्या कडून करवून घेतला. मी त्यांचा शतश: आभारी आहे.
नारायण नागबली व त्रिपिंडी श्राद्ध विधिबाबत श्री दिक्षित गुरुजीनी सदरचा विधी अत्यंत सोप्या पद्धतीने त्या त्या विधीच्या सखोल कारणांच्या परिणांमासह समजावून सांगून विधिपूर्वक करून घेतला आहे. त्याबाबत मनःपूर्वक आभार.
All vidhi are exceptional and founds very good and mind-blowing. We are very proud of Havanam and nagbali pujas lot of thanks from my family. Thank you.
The puja has been performed with lots of dedication. We are satisfied.
प्रतिकिया - पुजा खुप सुंदर झाली. पूजेचे सर्व महत्व काय आहे हे उत्कृष्ट प्रकारे सांगितली तसेच पूजा कोणत्या प्रकारची घाई नाही केली विधीचा उद्देश स्पष्ट सांगीतला.
The puja was done in very detailed and very amazing. I received the best advice and I know what I was doing or performing in puja. A very memorable and successful puja.
पूजा खूप सुंदर प्रकारे झाली. पूजेच्या सुरुवातीला पूजा करण्याचे महत्त्व उत्तमरीत्या सोप्या भाषेत सांगण्यात आले. तसेच पुजेमध्ये कुठेही घाई करण्यात आली नाही. तसेच प्रत्येक पविधीच्या मागचा उद्देश स्पष्ट करण्यात आला.
Guru ji has completed our puja very patiently... Thank you Guru Ji...
Guru ji has completed our puja as per complete Vedic rituals. We are completely satisfied & happy with the puja conducted by Guru ji. Thank you so much Guru ji????
Guru ji has completed our puja as per complete Vedic rituals. We are completely satisfied & happy with the puja conducted by Guru ji. Thank you so much Guru ji
Well organized & proper pooja with close interactions......this is life time memories... Thank you Guruji !!!
Good culture with trusted... very friend....we can trust ....we can understand very easy about pooja...good ambiance... peacefully place.... traditional food was nice.... very neatness maintaing.....deatle explanation about pooja in our language...... finally it was very good and blessed to have a great time with sanjai pandith ji
Main dhiraj sinha bhagalpur bihar se hun ,maine trimbakeshwar mein pandit saurabh Dixit ji se kalsarp Puja karwaya , unka Puja karne ka padhatti mujhe badhiya laga , sabhi bhakt ko anurodh karta hun ki pandit saurabh ji se kalsarp Puja karwaiye
I'm Shankar Ravi from Vijaywada Andhrapradesh, I have done Narayan nagbali Puja from Shri saurabh Sanjay Dixit guruji, guruji is very well personality, he explains all the puja explanation in our simple language, guruji has all the arrangements like Puja samagri, living facility, food facility, and give one on one interaction to every people. I will recommend all devoties to perform the narayana nagbali Puja from Shri. Saurabh Dixit guruji thank you.
Proper puja with each step detailed and all mantras made clear.Perfect puja for all religious persons.
Narayan Bali and naag Bali Pooja and thripendi shradhaa was conducted here by guruji saurabh Dixit and Sanjay Dixit
They say, Panditji is god's messanger. We were fortunate to visit Trimbakeshwar last week. Saurabhji's Puja in front of lord Shiva made it life time memorable. You can feel the depth during his mantroucharan. Very lucky to found his reference online. Don't give a second thought if you planning to visit Trimbakeshwar and looking for a Panditji ( and little bit of guide as well).
I performed pitrudosh pooja on March 30 with the help of guru ji Saurabh Dixit I got the positive result by grace of Shivji we blessed with baby boy thanks for great support and explanation we are happy
At Trimbakeshwar, we performed Narayan Nagbali and Rudraabhishek puja from Shri Saurabh Dixit. The experience of worshipping with him was very good. It took us a full 3 days to do Narayana Nagabali Puja. It is of great importance to perform Narayan Nagabali and Rudrabhishek puja here. For this, Guruji had told us the best muhurat. Panditji has a very good experience of worshipping here. He explained the puja very well, what is Narayan Nagbali Puja? Why should Narayana nagabali puja be performed? When do you perform Rudrabhishek Puja? Guruji solved all the doubts about the puja well. Guruji has an excellent experience of worshipping at Trayambakeshwar. They helped us fully for the puja. We were very satisfied with the puja. Thank you Panditji.
Finally great way to complete RUDRAABHISHEK PUJA with Pandit Ji....Thanks to him for proper guidance, Great Human Being with Great character...Always learn something new.....This will continue....
Saurabh Dixit Ji one of best Person to Complete Your Poojan. Because with his humble and kind nature and proper information about this poojan we cleared all our doubts.
हमनें श्री सौरभ दीक्षित जी से त्र्यंबकेश्वर, नासिक में संपर्क किया। हम पुणे से आए थे और उन्होने नारायण नागबली पूजा की पूरी योजना बनाई थी और मैंने उनके मार्गदर्शन में पूजा की। त्र्यंबकेश्वर मे रहने के लिये सब कुछ बहुत अच्छे से व्यवस्थित किया गया था। मेरा सुझाव है कि आप भी उन्हीसे पूजा करें।
Good... Puja
Feel cool and satisfying on well organization and well explanation of puja. Accommodation facilities also very good.
Extremely well organized by Dixit Guruji. From the time of landing to leaving Trimbakeshwar, the rituals and stay was very satisfying.