I am tamrapatradhari panditji. I am the holder of tamparpatra. Tamprapatra is ancient scripture which provides panditji purohit official right to perfome pujas in Trimbakehswar. I am official member of purohit sangh and have birth right as I belong from precious legacy of purohits from ages. Surely, I am authentic source where you can perform your poojas authentically and by proper spiritual tradition. Tamrpatra holds the special position as it provides authencation and certification to purohits of trimbakehswar temple. May lord shiva bless you!
नमस्कार मे श्री चेतन सुरेश ढेरगे, त्र्यंबकेश्वर ज्योतिर्लिंग का छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज के क्षेत्रस्त पुरोहित हमारे तीन सो साल की परंपरा आहे. सब प्रकार के धार्मिक विधी हम त्रंबकेश्वर मे करते है जैसे की नारायण नागबली पितृदोष पूजा कालसर्प राहू- केतू पूजा शांती. त्रिपिंडी श्राद्ध पूजा, त्र्यंबकेश्वर मंदिर मे अभिषेक पूजा, लघुरुद्र पूजा, महाअभिषेक,पंचामृत अभिषेक, दूध अभिषेक, जलाभिषेक, एवंम शरीर आरोग्यदा के लिये महामृत्युंजय जाप ये सब प्रकार के धार्मिक विधी करते है हमसे संपर्क बनाये और ये सब पूजा का लाभ उठाईय.
पंडित चेतन जी ने हमारा बहुत अच्छा पूजा किया मन को शांती प्राप्त हुई सब पूजा की अच्छी जाणकारी दिये अच्छा लगा thanku chetan ji namste
I was very thankful from chetan ji great pooja for Rudrabhishek pooja in trimbakeshwar joterling I was need and spiritual them thanku
Maha Puja very well performed by shree pandit ji on this auspicious ekadashi din. Many thanks to pandit ji .
बहोत अच्छा पूजा हुआ विधी विधान से थेक्यु पंडीत चेतन जी
नमस्कार माझ नाव पूजा निकम मी आज त्र्यंबकेश्वर आले होते चेतन गुरुजी कडे माझ्या पत्रिके मध्ये राहु ची महादशा चालू आहे तरी मी पत्रिका घेवुन ब्राम्हणा कडे गेली माला त्यांनी त्र्यंबकेश्वर ला जाऊन कालर्सप पूजा करा हा सल्ला दिला माझ अस त्र्यंबकला कोणी ओळखीच नाही मी लेगच सोशल मिडिया चा आधार घेतला आणि चेतन गुरुजी च नाव दिसल मी त्यांनां कॉन्टेक्ट केला त्याच्यां सांगण्या प्रमाने त्र्यंबकेश्वर ला आली आणि यथासांग प्रमाणे पूजा केली खूप छान आणि विलक्षण अनुभव आला पूजा सांगण्याची पद्धत तयारी आपण पूजा कशासाठी करत आहोत हे सगळ समजवून सांगितल त्यामुळे खूप छान वाटल खूप खूप धन्यवाद चेतन गुरुजी आणि तुम्ही सुध्दां याचं गुरुजी कडे सगळे विधी करावे हेच सर्वांना माझ सांगण आहे धन्यवाद !!
પંડિત ચેતન મહારાજ ને હમારા રુદ્રાભિષેક ખૂબ આછા કિયા હમકો સમાધાન પ્રાપ્ત હુઆ .
આજ હું ત્રિંબકેશ્વર કાલસર્પ પૂજા કરવાની આયે ઠે હમરી પૂજા પંડિત ચેતન ભાઈ નાય ભૂહોટ અચી ઔર સમાધાન કારક કરવાઈ ઇસલિએ શિક્રિયા હર હર મહાદેવ જય ત્રિંબક્રજ
Pandijit performed the puja very well. We were thoroughly satisfied and the puja was so thoroughly satisfying. Excellent. And everyone should contact him prior to coming to Trimbakeshar
This was very wonderful experience I was very thankful from pandit Chetan Ji I will very satisfied thank you
I personally performed rudrabhishek today early morning at shree trimbakshwar jyotirlinga temple with assisting guidance from guru ji. All the rituals performed that gave me peace of mind that I was searching. Feeling divine presence and blessed. Thank you Chetan guruji. Hope soon my wish prayed will be fulfilled.om namah shivaya
आज पंडीत चेतन जी ने हमारा खूप अच्छा रुद्रअभिषेक किया मन को शांती मिली हम त्र्यंबकेश्वर मे पहिली बार आये थे लोकिन हम को बहोत अच्छा लगा पंडीत जी अच्छी जानकारी दिई और त्र्यंबकेश्वर बाबा का महत्व समझाया ब्रम्हा, विष्णू, महेश तीनो भगवान का हमने पूजा किया और पंडीत जीने शीवलिंग का जल और भस्म बेल पत्र प्रसाद के रूप से दिया हमको बहोत अच्छा लगा थेंक्यू पंडीत चेतन जी जय त्र्यंबकराज थेक्यूं
Very nicely , traditionally done , thanks Chetan Pandit Ji
हमारी पूजा बहुत अच्छी पंडीत चेतन जी बहोत अच्छा पूजा किया है मन प्रसन्न हुआ और विधी विधान से पूजा हो गई धन्यवाद चेतन जी
Pooja was good, and all the mantra and chants are clear and precise. Satisfied with interaction
Properly Followed all rituals and very nicely Pooja done .
Best place for Pooja, all things will arrange by pandit ji.
It was good and pandit ji helped us a lot
Thanks for Rudra Vishnu Brahma Abhishek. Devin experience
Everything happened just perfect. Chetan ji is well versed and knowledgeable. All in all great experience.
Extrenly good experience... Everything was in detail
કાલસર્પ યોગની વિધિ ચેતન ભાઈએ બોજ વ્યવસ્થિત રીતે કરાવી છે. બધું સમજાવ્યું એન્ડ શાંતિ થી કરાવી. મનને શાંતિ થઈ.
I am rudrabhishek in trimbakeshwar very satisfied pooja thanks chetan ji
త్రయంబకేశ్వర నారాయణ నాగ బలి పూజ చేతన్ దేరగే గురూజీ గారి ఆశీస్సులతో జరిగింది. 3 రోజుల పూజ, దగ్గరుండి గురూజీ నడిపించారు. ఈ పూజ వల్ల పితృ దేవతల అనుగ్రహాన్ని పొందవచ్చు. ధన్యవాదాలు గురూజీ గారు
Pandit ji ne bahut acche se mann layk pooja karwaya.
Very good and nice piceful Puja done
Did Tripandi pooja here with my family. Very nicely and professionally done. Everything was taken care of. Pandit ji explaind what is pitradosh and the whole pooja process. Om Namah Shivay.
Today we did narayana Bali pooja with help of Sachin , he did Very welland I am full satisfiied , I will reffer my family friends also.
The Pooja was very calming and touching. Everything was done very neatly and in proper manner. Must visit
The Pooja was done very well with all the explanation of all the rituals.
Pooja was done very well. Guruji was very receptive and guided us thoroughly through the process. Explained the importance of each step. Very satisfied with the overall experience.
Very nice and very good puja I am very satisfied for rudrabhishek thanku pandit Chetan ji
Very nice and fully satisfied me.
pooja karke humko bhohat acha laga meri beti kay kundali may do shadi kay yog they isliye pandit ji chetan ji ka no online dekha aur sab baat hogayi pandit chetan ji nay khup achi pooja kiye i am very satisfied.
Very good experience in pooja for rudrabhishek and kalsarpa yog Shanti pooja and very good pooja from pandit Chetan ji I will very happy from pooja.
Pujari ji ne bahut ache se Puja aur tarpan karaya ..... Bahut Kushi mili
On the auspicious adhik mas pandit helo us with Puja , was very well organized
बाहुत अच्छा
On the auspicious occassion of guru purnima Panditji helped us with a divine puja; was very well organized
We had very good puja.he had guide us very nicely.
मला खूप समाधान वाटले पूजा करून तीन दिवस चेतन गुरुजींचे खूप छान पूजा सांगितली मनापासून आभार गुरुजी च समाधान झालं आम्ही स्वतः ब्राह्मण आहे आणि जे पूजा कर्म शास्त्रशुद्ध पद्धतीने आहे त्या पद्धतीने आमचे पूर्ण पूजा झाली तीन दिवस राहण्याची व्यवस्था आणि जेवणाची व्यवस्था खूप छान होती शुद्ध सात्विक आहार आम्हाला मिळाला घरच्या पद्धतीने खूप समाधान वाटले खूप खूप धन्यवाद गुरुजी.
Very good puja performed by tamrapatdhari panditji
Nice Pooja good experience in pooja all Pooja explain which Rahu and ketu thanks pandit Chetan ji.
Pandit Chetan ji nay bahut achcha Puja Kiya I m verisatisfied thanks
Good Experience... Fully satisfied.. Guruji explanation about Pooja is very simple..
VERY satisfied with pooja and pandit ji sir is very nice
आम्ही त्रंबकेश्वर पूजेसाठी आलो आम्हाला नंबर वेब पोर्टलवर मिळाला चेतन गुरुजींनी आमचे पूजा खूप छान सुंदर केली प्रत्येक गोष्टीची माहिती आम्हाला समजून सांगितली तसेच ज्यांना कोणाला पितृदोष असेल त्यांनी पूजा त्रंबकेश्वर ला जे ताम्रपट धारी गुरुजी आहे त्या गुरुजींकडे पूजा करावे बाहेरून येणारे ब्राह्मण यांना या पूजेबद्दल काहीही माहिती नाही चेतन गुरुजी यांची कमीत कमी नववी ते दहावी पिढी आहे त्यामुळे त्यांना या विधीचा वारसा पूर्वज यांच्याकडून प्राप्त झाला आहे त्यामुळे तुमचे कुठेही फसवणूक होऊ देऊ नका.
नमस्कार माझं नाव केशव सोळंकी मी त्रंबकेश्वरला चेतन गुरुजींकडे पूजा केली पूजेची पद्धत सांगण्याची पद्धत खूप छान आणि प्रत्येक गोष्ट आम्हाला समजून सांगितले आपण पूजा का बर करत आहोत याची माहिती सगळे समजून सांगितले तुझे मांडामांड खूप छान होती धन्यवाद
Good experience in Pooja I was very satisfied in Pooja pandit Chetan ji is very nice person she was all history in trimbakeshwar temple explain me and my family good i am very thankful Chetan ji so all the people recommend Pooja Chetan thanku very much
I had got my Pooja done through him. It was a great experience right from booking, to reaching his place to end of Pooja. He guided us well and make this whole thing effortless and simple. He was reassuring that leave all issues behind. His house is near Kushavrat kund. I will very strongly recommend him for the Pooja.
very good pooja in trimbakshwar pandit chetan ji is very experiance pandit so i wll all users in get pooja from pandit chetan ji
નારાયણ નાગ બલી કરવા હમે આનંદ થી ત્રિંબુક આવ્યા હતા. હમે પૂજ્ય ચેતન ઢેરગે પંડિતજી નું નંબર આ વેબસાઇટ પર થી લીધો અને બધીજ પ્લાનિંગ કરી. ત્રિંબુકેશ્વર આવ્યા બાદ હમને ખુબ સરસ રેહવાં માટે ની રૂમ અને જમવાં માટેની સરસ સુવિધા કરી આપી. ત્યાર બાદ પૂજા સરસ વિધિ વિધાન થી ૩ દિવસ કરી આપી અને એ ભી સ્પેશિયલ ફેમિલી માટે. એટલે ખુબ સરસ બધું કરી આપ્યું.
I am rajat batra from Delhi i am pooja from pandit Chetan Ji very nice pooja & explain the history of trambakeshwar in other place i am very satisfied in this pooja .....thaku Chetan ji ????
Very nice
Holistic approach for connection between God and us.....extremely delightful at the pooja offering
I am very much satisfied with the kal sarp dosh pooja that Pandit Sachin Ji performed. He has started with Ganesh, Varun devta pooja, continued with kal sarp Dosha pooja and concluded the entire ritual with trimbakeshwar , nava graha pooja. They have explained each step of the process in detail so that I can understand the entire ritual. Their family is very accommodative with timings and clothings as well. Pandit ji can speak decent English so that we can understand the pooja. తెలుగు వారు ఇక్కడ పూజ చేయించుకుంటే సంతృప్తి చెందుతారు.
Hello I am Sudarshan Chaturvedi from mumbai I have trimbakeshwar Puja in rudrabhishek and Kaal sarp yog Puja is very good I will very satisfied in pooja so thank you pandit Chetan Ji and namaskar
नमस्कार मी अण्णा पाटील राहणार नांदेड मी त्रंबकेश्वरला श्री चेतन गुरुजी यांच्याकडे नारायण नागबली पूजा केली मला पूजा खूप समाधानकारक वाटली आणि खूप पूजा आवडली पूजेची पद्धत सर्व मांडणी आणि विशेष माहिती हे सर्व व्यवस्थित मिळाले आपण पूजा कशासाठी करत आहोत काय हेतू आहे हे गुरुजींनी खूप सखोल पद्धतीने समजून सांगितलं त्यामुळे तुम्ही सर्वांनी नारायण नागबली पितृदोष पूजा या गुरुजींकडूनच करावी असं माझं चांगलं आहे धन्यवाद
पंडीत चेतन जी ने बोहोत रुद् अभिषेक किया मन को बोहोत अच्छा लगा बहुत सुकून मिला मनशांती मिल गई मे सब कोई बताऊंगा आप रुद्राभिषेक पंडित जी चेतन गुरुजी के पास मे किजीये धन्यवाद
చాలా బాగుందే, మంచిగా అన్పించింది , చాలా నిధానంగా ఓపికగా పడటిగా చేశారు
Pooja went well, they took care of every pooja samagri, however i expected the main pandit would do it but junior pandit did in little short cut. Else everything is good.
त्र्यंबकेश्वर के पंडित जी श्री चेतन ढेरगे बहुत अच्छे तरीके से पूजा करते हैं। मैंने उनसे नारायण नागबली और कालसर्प दोष की पूजा की। उन्होंने जो मुहूर्त बताया था, उसके अनुसार मैं त्र्यंबकेश्वर पहुंचा। उन्होंने पहले ही पूजा और पूजा के लिए आवश्यक सामग्री की व्यवस्था कर ली थी। उन्होंने पूजा शुरू होने से पहले पूजा का पूर्ण मार्गदर्शन दिया। नारायण नागबली क्या है और यह कितना महत्वपूर्ण है? पितृदोष क्या है और इसके परिणाम क्या हैं? काल सर्प दोष से छुटकारा पाने के क्या तरीके हैं? गुरुजी ने ऐसी विभिन्न समस्याओं के समाधान में अच्छा मार्गदर्शन दिया। गुरुजी को विभिन्न पूजाओं, नारायण नागबली पूजा, कालसर्प दोष, त्रिपिंडी श्राद्ध और महामृत्युंजय मंत्र जप का बहुत अच्छा अनुभव है।